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Amanda Roebuck, RN-MSN

Nichole Niemann
Director of Food Services

Robin Cauthon
Director of Plant Operations

Angela Jones
Director of Financial Services

Amy Kula
Director of Social Services

Breana Molt
Director of Accounting/Human Resources

Jami Kampschneider
Director of Nursing

Joseph Thies, MLS (ASCP)CM
Director of Ancillary Services

Samantha Wunderlich
Director of Nursing


Genoa Medical Facilities is owned by the City of Genoa and governed by the Genoa City Council. Members are elected by the residents of the City. The Council in turn appoints a seven-member Hospital Operating Board which serves in an advisory capacity to the Genoa Medical Facilities administration and meets monthly. Any items needing approval, not otherwise delegated by the corporate by-laws, are reviewed and approved at the council level.

Hospital Operating Board

Brad Wieck - Chair
Dr. Kent Hasselbalch
David Rippke
Gary Juracek

City Council

Josh Elm - Mayor
Joe Theis - President
Jennifer Quintanilla
Michelle Anderson
Dwain Seier